A manifesto for an ecosocial energy transition from the South
3/3/2023: Movements from the Global South believe that world economic priorities put pressure on their countries to yield up rare minerals and land to deliver renewable energy. They propose an alternative energy transition that combines social justice with environmental justice.
Source: African Arguments
New initiative to finance minigrids in over 20 African countries
15/11/2022: Launched at COP27, the Africa Minigrids Program aims to mobilise $65 billion in new investments to accelerate the deployment of renewable energy minigrids in 21 countries. Half of the people living in sub-Saharan Africa lack access to electricity.
Source: UN Development Programme
Is natural gas the solution to energy for all in Africa?
10/11/2022: The number of people without electricity in sub-Saharan Africa is rising, almost back to its 2013 peak. The fall out from the Ukraine war has encouraged African governments to boost investment in gas, despite the consequences for climate change.
Source: Devex
Africa can and must be a leader in clean energy
4/10/22: Kenya's new president calls on African states to accelerate the transition to renewable energy, with the aim of doubling Africa’s installed energy capacity by 2030. Almost half of Africa’s people remain underserved by fossil fuel power.
Source: The Guardian
Nigeria plans gas-led transition to full energy access
1/9/2022: Nigeria is pitching for $10 billion from international funders to kickstart an energy plan to provide electricity access to an estimated 90 million people. The plan relies on gas as a transition fuel, to the concern of some climate campaigners.
Source: Climate Home News
African climate diplomats reject pro-gas stance for COP27
4/8/2022: The executive council of the African Union has proposed that the continent should promote gas as a bridge fuel alongside development of renewable energy. They argue that 570 million people in Africa will otherwise remain without access to modern energy by 2030. Negotiators have quashed a proposal as too controversial.
Source: Climate Home News
The world is burning. We need a renewables revolution
12/7/2022: The only true path to energy security, stable power prices and a livable planet lies in abandoning fossil fuels and accelerating the renewables-based energy transition. The UN Secretary-General calls on G20 countries to kick their addiction to fossil fuels.
Source: Inter Press Service
Sudan is wary of third filling of Ethiopia Nile dam
16/6/2022: Sudan’s officials are concerned about an imminent round of filling of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam without a formative agreement on risk management. A bid by the African Union to mediate between Sudan, Egypt and Ethiopia has yet to bear fruit.
Source: The East African
Pandemic undermines 2030 goal of universal energy access
1/6/2022: According to the UN's 2022 Energy Progress Report, 670 million people will remain without electricity in 2030. The goal of universal access by that date has been impeded by recent crises in health and agriculture. Africa remains the least electrified region in the world.
Source: UN News
African nations’ dash for gas exposes ‘hypocrisy’ in Europe
25/5/2022: Across Africa, the use of gas as a transitional source of energy dominated talks at the Sustainable Energy for All forum held in Kigali, Rwanda. Donor nations favour priority for renewable energy and green hydrogen, despite their own continued dependence on gas.
Source: Climate Home News