Trump orders US to quit Paris Agreement and pause climate finance
21/1/2025: On his first day in office, US President Donald Trump officially began the one-year process of leaving the 2015 Paris climate agreement. The US provided around $11 billion in 2024 to help developing countries reduce emissions and adapt to climate change.
Source: Climate Home News
What Trump’s second term means for climate action
15/1/2025: The new US president is expected to exit the Paris Agreement, slash climate finance and wage war on science. Trump’s team is also reportedly mulling a more audacious attempt to pull the US out of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the instrument underpinning global climate action.
Source: Climate Home News
No agreement on global droughts at desertification COP
19/12/2024: COP16 of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification, held in Saudi Arabia, has concluded with no agreement on the major global issue of drought. This outcome echoed similar difficulties with multilateral megotiations at recent UN conferences on biodiversity and climate change.
Source: Passblue
How to take back control of UN climate negotiations
18/12/2024: The fingerprints of the fossil fuel industry were all over the Azerbaijan COP, the third repressive petrostate to host UN climate negotiations in as many years. The vulnerabilities of climate diplomacy to climate corruption can no longer be ignored.
Source: Climate Home News
Montana supreme court upholds right to ‘stable climate system’ for youngsters
18/12/2024: Montana's supreme court has upheld a landmark trial court decision last August in favour of 16 young people who said their health and futures were being jeopardized by climate change, which the state aggravates through its permitting of energy projects.
Source: The Guardian
Nations turn to ICJ for clarity on climate accountability
16/12/2024: The International Court of Justice has concluded historic hearings with over 100 participants seeking legal clarity on states’ obligations to combat climate change and address its consequences. These clarifications could lead to new international legal obligations for climate action that emitting countries have to abide by.
Source: Devex
Too many COPs spoil the planet
12/12/2024: In addition to the recent climate COP29, the final three months of this year have seen the UN Conference to Combat Desertification and the UN Biodiversity Conference. There have also been talks on a Plastics Treaty. Some countries feel that the planet would be better served by merging these environmental negotiations.
Source: PassBlue
International Court of Justice hears impact of climate inaction
11/12/2024: The climate hearings of the International Court have continued with submissions from the perspective of climate justice, the precautionary principle and conflict, from Seychelles, Senegal and Sudan, respectively. The Court will advise on the international legal obligations of states in relation to climate change.
Source: Inter Press Service
Call for climate reparations at the International Court of Justice
28/11/2024: The historic hearings on climate change at the International Court of Justice may help advance the case for climate reparations. The Court has a unique opportunity to affirm that accountability for climate damage is a matter of obligation and justice — not charity.
Source: Climate Home News
What was decided at the COP29 climate summit in Baku?
27/11/2024: The UN summit’s outcomes were contested and widely seen as inadequate to tackle the urgency of the climate crisis. From a controversial climate finance deal to a new global carbon market, here are the main outcomes.
Source: Climate Home News